November 8, 2013

A Time for Reflection

These have been 27 richly productive seasons for Pacific Serenades.

During this time, we commissioned and premiered 110 works by 62 different composers –virtually all from the Los Angeles area or with strong ties here; won four prestigious national awards for our programming, for our first CD, and for our commitment to new American music; focused attention on local musicians–both performers and composers–and in so doing have awakened music lovers here and across the country to the uniqueness of music-making in Southern California.

We also recorded eleven of our commissioned pieces on three CDs and began a publishing company, both enterprises for the purpose of disseminating our commissioned works to other ensembles. It’s paying off! Every year, there are more and more performances of Pacific Serenades music in all corners of the country and in other parts of the world.

We are rightly proud of our accomplishments–perhaps proudest of the fact that we have won over so many individuals to the cause of new chamber music, beautiful new chamber music, beautiful new chamber music from Southern California.

And now it is time for a break.

During our hiatus, we are taking stock and exploring new directions. Among other things, we are looking to strengthen the publishing arm of our organization, in order to engender an ever-expanding audience for the music we have commissioned and premiered. And we just might give a concert or two in the process.

We’ll keep you posted.

Thank you for your all of your support and interest over these past many years!